

Handbook for Facilitators in Non-formal Education

For the first time the Department of Non-formal Education, Ministry of Education and Sports and DVV International joint collaboration for developing the Handbook for Facilitators in Non-formal Education

Regional News

Read about the latest debates, activities and news in the regional Adult Education community. 
The information about ongoing developments in south, east, south-east Asia and South Pacific can be found here.

Support of the Department for Non-Formal Education

The Regional office supports the work of the Department of Non-Formal Education by different means. These include sharing and exchange workshops, equipment, trainings, study visits and promoting the participation of DNFE staff at regional and international events.

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Non-formal Vocational Training

Improving non-formal vocational training is one of the four big projects of DVV International in Laos. Together with the GIZ and associated departments in the Lao Ministry for Education and Sports, Integrated Vocational Training and Education (IVET) centers are build and maintained to improve the vocational skills of youth and adults.

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