Our Partners

DVV International cooperates with a wide range of partners, including some key government agencies, development partners and academia.

Additionally, DVV International is a member of the Education Sector Working Group, which advises the Ministry of Education and all major national and international donors on educational projects, as well as the Informal Education Development Partner working Group, which coordinates the efforts of the international community..

The Main partners include:

Ministry of Education
Department of Non-formal Education (DNFE)

Mr. Sisana Bouppha, Director General
E-mail: nfelao2016@gmail.com

The Department is DVV International’s main partner for policy development and cooperation on the national level

Non-Formal Education Development Center (NFEDC)

Mrs. Khambay Xayarath,  Director General
E-mail: lao.nfedc@gmail.com

The center is the main agency for capacity building in NFE. DVV International cooperates with NFEDC on establishing a Resourcecenter and a Community of Practice

National University of Laos
Faculty of Education

Dr. Kongsy Chounlamany


DVV International supports the faculty in implementing modules on Lifelong Learning into the teacher education.

GIZ - Vocational education in Laos (VELA)

Mr Phimmasone Thongphataysack,
E-mail: phimmasone.thongphataysack@giz.de

The GIZ VELA project is the partner for the Mobile Skills Trainings.

Kindermissionswerk Sternsinger

Mr Ralf Kresal, desk Officer Laos
E-mail: kresal@kindermissionswerk.de


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