Promoting of Lifelong Learning

The national lifelong learning policy adopted in the year 2019 has become the key normative framework where DVV International steps in to support non-formal education in Cambodia. In the current project phase running from 2024-2026 this facilitated through the promotion and integration of non-formal education approaches, developed earlier with government partners, into the emerging Action Plan for lifelong learning. These approaches focus on functional literacy, socio-emotional skills and women empowerment.

DVV International fosters an inclusive and cross-sectoral policy dialogue on the lifelong learning policy and facilitates a greater information campaign for enhanced visibility throughout the country. Furthermore, it is envisaged to involve other ministries in the implementation of the lifelong learning policy by supporting activity plans, pilot activities and trainings, this increasing outreach and impact. In order to set-up better communication structures and clear responsibilities at Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), it is foreseen to establish a national contact point being responsible for coordinating the promising approach of Lifelong Learning Centers (LLLCs).

The constructive involvement of civil society actors in lifelong learning is of high importance to reach out to a broader community. To that end, DVV International cooperates with the national civil society network of educational organizations (NEP) to assure an inclusive implementation of the LLL policy. NEP organizes yearly events to inform its members about recent developments in the implementation of the LLL Policy and elaborates annual position papers on civil society perspectives that are discussed it with representatives of the MoEYS and other stakeholders.

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