Networks in Asia

DVV International is committed to the strengthening of educational institutions and umbrella organisations at the regional level. In Asia, DVV International supports two main organisations through the Regional Office in Laos: the Asian South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) and the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA). 

With the support of DVV International, which dates back to the late 1970s, ASPBAE concentrates on global and regional lobbying work as well as the training of key personnel. Cooperation with PRIA began in the mid 1980s and serves for the development and dissemination of distance learning that makes development-related topics and approaches to adult education available for individuals in the region. The organisations and individuals thus strengthened bring their acquired knowledge into national and regional initiatives and networks, thus contributing to a sustainable improvement of (adult) education in respect to education policy as well as the long term living conditions in their home countries.

With the creation of teaching and learning materials and publications, ASPBAE and PRIA strengthen the capacity of partner organisations as well as the independence and self-organisation of the participants. The materials and publications which are presented in different languages can be accessed online and lead to a comprehensive dissemination of knowledge about adult education and lifelong learning in practice and theory in the region.

ASPBAE has been a partner of DVV International since 1977; its General Secretariat is located in Mumbai, India. It is a regional umbrella organisation for adult and basic education with around 100 individual and 200 institutional members from 30 countries; ASPBAE’s main tasks are in the development of concepts, methods and teaching/learning materials, in the implementation of training and technical events for members, but also in research and evaluation. ASPBAE is involved in lobbying for education at the national, regional and global levels and is committed to the importance of adult education within the framework of “Education for All” (EFA) and the global development goals.

PRIA has been a partner of DVV International since 1985. In the work of PRIA, democratic self-government by citizens and their participation are clearly in the foreground. PRIA gives its support through training, consultancy, research and lobbying public areas like self-help promotion, democratisation and community development, as well as special concerns such as health and occupational environment. PRIA has built up a network of support organisations that implement educational programmes in the region and adapt them to the specific conditions. In PRIA, trainers as well as managers of development-oriented organisations can find advisory services and training offers. The training programmes are designed for students and participants from the region. In addition, the employees of PRIA develop teaching materials and publish several journals. In 2012, PRIA was able to mark its 30th anniversary with a festive celebration.

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