DVV International in Cambodia strengthens government and civil society engagement for non-formal youth and adult education cooperating with a well trusted set of partners not only as a mere funding partner, but also offering consultation and technical support.
DVV International is the key development partner supporting adult education and lifelong learning in Cambodia. DVV International’s activities support the Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA) adopted by the United Nations in the year 2022 and the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the overall objective of SDG 4 - the promotion of quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. All actions follow a partner-oriented approach and are well aligned with national education and development plans. DVV coordinates its endeavors with other organizations supporting non-formal education and lifelong learning in Cambodia (UNESCO, GIZ, bilateral and civil society organizations).
In the year 2024 DVV International’s Country Office in Cambodia was recognized by the Prime Minister as a Pioneer in Lifelong Learning at the National Education Congress in Phnom Penh. The Prime Minister emphasized the central role of the newly emerging Lifelong Learning Centers (LLLCs) in maintaining intelligence, fostering new skills and generating innovative ideas for personal, family and societal advancement. This recognition is based on the successful transformation and expansion of community learning centers (CLCs) and youth centers into LLLCs that DVV International has been supporting in close coordination with its governmental partners from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) and the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP). The professionalization of the LLLCs continues with the provision of capacity development and consulting as well as through policy dialogue to ensure that the centers are fully integrated in the education system and receive public financial support.
DVV International follows a long-term and systemic approach with various project phases to effectively support system building for adult learning and education. At the macro level the national lifelong learning policy accompanied by DVV International and adopted in the year 2019 has become the key normative framework. In the current project phase (2024-26) the further implementation of the Policy is supported with a particular focus on adult and non-formal education approaches developed earlier. Moreover, it is intended to involve other ministries into the implementation of the lifelong learning policy to assure a cross-sectoral approach, increase awareness and maximize impacts and outreach.
At the meso level the professional capacities of LLLCs are further improved in terms of course delivery for youth and adults – to be reached though teacher training and the development of new short-term training courses based on the needs of the population in the catchment areas of the centres. The national civil society network of educational organizations (NEP) actively contributes to the promotion and inclusive implementation of the LLL policy through information and exchange events and the development, discussion and dissemination of position papers related to non-formal and adult education. At the micro level ethnic minorities who have not been able to learn the official Khmer language so far are participating in bilingual literacy and basic skills courses to better cope with their daily lives and allow them to continue in the formal education system. These activities are implemented by the Organization Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP), in coordination with the Youth Department of the MoEYS.
All core activities for systemic and long-term support to strengthen the non-formal education system are funded by DVV International’s key donor, the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Complementary support for children and youth learning in CLCs in remote areas is provided by the German charity Organisation “Sternsinger”.