Soft skills are highly appreciated in the education debate globally and especially around Asia as they are recognized as being crucial for young people to be successful in the 21st century: Leadership, decision-making, self-esteem, communication, time management and, furthermore, the ability to manage conflicts in a productive way as well as to find creative solutions for now a day’s challenges are now regarded as key competences.
For a number of years, representatives and trainers from the Vocational Development Department of Lao Youth Union (LYU) were involved in the development of a project on soft skills and the supply of short term trainings for young people in different trades while DVV International was asked to infuse modules on soft skills into their training concepts. Those soft skill projects enable outreach activities in Vientiane Capital, provincial capitals and in rural areas, and provide lessons learnt for further implementation.
As the Lao PDR Government and several development partners are paying high attention to the development of Soft Skill Trainings in the country in order to ensure quality education of young people, DVV International together with LYU currently implements the project Soft Skills for Lao Youth, funded by Kindermissionswerk “Die Sternsinger”.
The target group of the project is the Lao youth in five provinces.
DVV International together with LYU develop a manual for soft skills facilitators, which will contain key elements of soft skills activities to be provided by local facilitators from LYU. Moreover, facilitators in rural and remote areas will train the youth and establish a soft skills module in their training programmes.
Nowadays, employers across all job categories want people with soft skills. The nature of many jobs and working environments has changed with globalisation. The skill set required of managers, teachers and other executives has changed accordingly. Therefore, youth with soft skills have more chances to advance in their lives.