After review, the LLL subject included adult education in the curriculum of the FED NUOL in the academic year 2017-2018. Since then, the content of the curriculum has been developed periodically (2020, 2022, 2023), bringing the concept, theory, principles and techniques of LLL to teacher training in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
In the academic year 2023-2024, the FED NUOL brought the concept, theory and principles of LLL into the 5th series of teaching-learning courses, attended by 4th year students of the faculty of education. 113 people signed up for vocational training; they trained in 2 provinces (Capital Vientiane and Province Boliklhamxay), 5 districts and 12 educational institutions.
Following the recommendations of DVVI’s expert in monitoring, the outcomes of applying knowledge from the LLL course to work and daily life, and the promotion and improvement of LLL course content were evaluated to better align teaching methods to the needs of students and society. To that end, the FED NUOL and DVVI jointly monitored how LLL was brought into practice during the academic year 2023-2024. Basic information on that is provided below:
Duration: 1-5 April 2024, place of practice: Province Bolokhamxay
Objective: To collect information from 4th year trainee students of FED NUOL using questionnaire and interviews
Results: 37 students answered the questionnaires, and 24 students were interviewed
Questionnaires information: Survey on the content and theory in the Lifelong Learning Guide learned.